
Dearborn Country Club

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Dearborn Country Club raised an impressive $19,190 for the following 11 charities in 2024:

Center for Exceptional Families

Child's Hope

Fragile X Association of Michigan

High 5ive - The Drew Stanton Foundation

Higher Hopes

NAMI Metro

New Hope Center for Grief Support

Penrickton Center for Blind Children

Starfish Family Services

The Emily Ann Griffin Foundation

Vista Maria


It all started with a simple request from one of the most powerful men in history.  In 1923, Henry Ford instructed his general secretary to "lay out a good, practical golf club that anybody could use."  With those 13 words, the Dearborn Country Club, in historic Dearborn, MI, was born.  Dearborn Country Club is a traditional, family-oriented club located conveniently between downtown Detroit and the western suburbs. The club features one of the most challenging, yet playable 18 holes of golf found in the state of Michigan, great dining, quality service and facilities with year-round recreational, family and social activities. Our members like to refer to it as their "home away from home" where great fun, friendships and camaraderie are the cornerstones of our club.

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