
Thank you for your interest in Eagles for Children®.  

Grants will only be awarded to qualifying 501(c)3 organizations serving the disadvantaged children near one of our participating private clubs.  Click here for a complete list of our participating clubs.

Eagles for Children's® Grant-Making Principles:
- To enrich the quality of life of disadvantaged children in areas surrounding EFC participating country clubs.
- To encourage programs which are collaborative, comprehensive, and have the potential to be continuous.
- To encourage leveraging and matching grant opportunities from multiple funders.

Applicant Organization Criteria:
- Must be a nonprofit 501(c)3 with a current State of Michigan license to solicit that has been in business a minimum of 3 years.
- Must meet the mission of Eagles for Children®.
- Must have a specific project or program for which the funding is being requested.
- Must have clear objectives.

What Eagles for Children® Will (Generally) Not Fund:
While Eagles for Children® remains flexible in trying to meet needs of local children's charities, the following are areas that will generally not be considered for funding at this time:
- Routine operating expenses
- Travel, tours or trips for employees/board members
- Endowment campaigns
- Special fundraising events and sponsorships
- Existing obligations or debts/liabilities
- Scholarships
- Individuals

NOTE: Please direct your questions to Beth Meade at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 734-495-1200.

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